Cancer took her life.

As I read the announcement of my friend’s passing, tears flowed freely. To me, she had been the embodiment of a woman who feared and loved the Lord, growing steadily in wisdom and kindness throughout her life — and now, she was gone.

As I reflected on her life, I began to see Proverbs 31:10-31 in a new light — not as the celebration of an extraordinary woman with amazing gifts and abilities, but as the portrait of an ordinary woman who slowly grew into this glowing description over the years.

As a child, this Proverbs woman probably sat attentively at her parents’ feet, learning to master all the skills she would need as an adult. As a young bride, she’d sought to establish a godly household with her husband. As she grew in her abilities, her husband entrusted more and more responsibilities to her, even leaving the whole estate in her care whenever he was absent.

And so, she slowly grew in wisdom, in kindness, in faithfulness, and in competence day-by-day, month-by-month, year-by-year, by trusting God with each new challenge that came her way, until she became this extraordinary woman of wisdom — just as my friend had.

No matter how ordinary we might think we are, we can gradually grow into amazing persons who live and speak with wisdom if we choose to live daily in the fear and love of the Lord.

Father, thank you that your wisdom is peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere, and that it enables us to live lives of purpose and influence (James 3:17-18). Thank you for giving us this wisdom freely through the Spirit. Show us how we can grow in your wisdom today and every day as we submit to your gracious direction, so that we live fruitful and productive lives to your glory. Amen.

Throughout this Day: Whether you are a man or a woman, write down the qualities you find in Proverbs 31.10-31, and then ask God to show you specific ways you can exhibit these characteristics in your own life right now.

Tags: The Life Devo Proverbs 31