Movies with psychological intrigue have always appealed to me. With various plot twists and mysterious characters, the film can go in a number of directions at any given time. I’m most satisfied when justice is served and the main characters are left unscathed.

The story of Ruth could be considered a psychological thriller. Ruth had lost her husband through precarious circumstances and was now faced with making life-altering decisions. Should she remain in a place that’s comfortable? Or answer the inner prodding and travel to an uncertain destination with her mother-in-law?

With an instinct to never leave Naomi’s side, her daughter-in-law, Ruth, and Naomi traveled together not knowing what lay ahead. They trusted God that it was the right thing to do and that everything would work out.

Little did they anticipate the results of their obedience until the intriguing plot twists began. One of these was the introduction of Boaz, who was set to redeem everything lost in both Naomi and Ruth’s lives by bringing a literal, born legacy through the birth of Ruth’s son, Obed. This son then became part of the line to King David and, ultimately, to the greatest King and Redeemer, Jesus Christ.

As believers called to make a difference, we never know how our obedience will result in accomplishing God’s larger will. There may be twists and turns along the way but if we faithfully see things through, we have the potential to secure victory and be tremendously blessed. Never fear in answering a call. It could make all the difference.

Heavenly Father, each new day brings fresh challenges that have the potential to throw me off your course. Please keep me ever mindful of the importance of being obedient to your call so that it will bring you glory and make all the difference in your Kingdom. In Jesus’ powerful name I pray, amen.

Go Deeper — How do you decide to act or not act when faced with a decision? Do you trust your own instincts or trust more on God for the outcome?

Tags: Make A Difference Ruth 4
Photo Credit: Pixabay