When we choose to follow Jesus, we may imagine accomplishing amazing feats in His power and for His glory. But sometimes, what God asks of us is not to do a few great things, but rather, to do a thousand small, good things.

Although Jesus’ first 30 years are draped in silence, we know that throughout them, He grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with both God and man (Luke 2:52). If the Son of God was willing to spend all those years in obscurity, doing all His daily, ordinary tasks for His Father, should we not also embrace the small daily tasks God entrusts to us?

It could be as simple (or as difficult) as waking up at 3am to change a crying baby’s diaper, or dedicating hours to preparing a meal that is consumed in minutes, or working diligently in an office or a factory, or responding to the needs of neighbors, friends, or strangers we meet along the way. If we remain attentive to God’s voice throughout the day, He will show us countless ways of doing good, for His glory. As we are faithful in the many small things, we’ll be ready to do the great things too, however few or many!

Jesus, by living an ordinary life for so many years, You have taught us to obey our Father by doing whatever good He calls us to do, no matter how great or small the task. Help us rejoice in every small act of goodness You call us to accomplish, especially when we would rather be self-focused than obedient. Amen.

Throughout This Day: Today, seek to actively do good to everyone God places on your path. Serve them as an act of loving worship to God, trusting in the Spirit’s power to direct and strengthen you.

Tags: Luke 16 Luke 2