Coming out of the Christmas season, our minds are naturally drawn to the Christ child and his miraculous virgin birth by Mary, his mother. But what about Joseph? Should we not also acknowledge his contribution to the story?

In Matthew 1, we read about this man who took life seriously. According to sources, ancient Jewish marriage rituals included an engagement arranged by the two families. One detail included was the payment of a dowry paid for the parents of the groom to the bride’s family. In addition, the groom would also give a material gift to the bride herself. “A Jewish betrothal was an important part of the marriage process and was as binding as marriage itself.”1

Given all of this context, and the public nature of betrothal, it was no easy thing for Joseph to end his relationship with Mary. As Matthew describes it, Joseph would have quite likely agonized over his decision, being a man who sincerely sought to please God with his whole being. As a result, it took a direct intervention from God’s messenger to convince him that he should continue with his engagement, recognizing the questions that could be raised about his stellar character.

What about you? Have you ever been placed in a position where God seemingly called you to violate a principle that guided your life? Maybe you were taught to think a certain way about other people or situations that would prevent you from seizing ministry opportunities. Think about how Jesus was accused of spending time with sinners during his life on earth. He dealt with the same social or familial pressures that Joseph faced, yet obeyed his calling and ministered to anyone in need.

Oh God, help me to see past my own human thinking about what you are asking me to do at times. I truly desire to be obedient whatever the cost.

Throughout This Day: Look for opportunities to minister to others you encounter, especially when those opportunities challenge your way of thinking. Prayerfully look to the Holy Spirit for the strength you need to step into the opportunities he places before you today.


Tags: Daily Devotional Matthew 1
Photo Credit: Matt Sclarandis on Unsplash