The blind man received his sight because he did what Jesus said.

On another occasion, Jesus asked a man with a shrivelled hand to stretch it out (Matthew 12:13). When he did, his hand became completely healthy, fully restored.

In both cases, action accompanied belief.

The Old Testament also tells of miracles where the one seeking help needed to do something. Elisha instructed Naaman, through a messenger, to wash seven times in the Jordan river (2 Kings 5:10). At first, Naaman didn’t follow Elisha’s instructions. He doubted it would do any good. When he did, his leprosy disappeared.

To a woman in debt, whose only asset was a jar of oil, Elisha said, “Go outside, borrow vessels from all your neighbours, empty vessels and not too few” (2 Kings 4:3). She did just that and the oil flowed until she ran out of jars.

It’s no different today. When we believe what God says, we act on it. We believe that God provides for our needs, and that we are stewards—not owners—of the things he gives, by obeying his instructions to tithe and care for the poor.

James states it clearly, “I will show you my faith by my works” (James 2:18). Our behavior shows what our hearts believe. It turns out that faith looks a lot like obedience.

Father help me to see that my actions declare what I really believe. May my obedience testify to my faith in you. Amen.

Consider this: Think about the areas where you struggle to obey God. Does your disobedience spring from your lack of faith? Instead of trying harder to believe, consider copying Naaman and the others mentioned. Humbly obey God and trust him to build your faith.

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Tags: Active Faith John 9
Photo Credit: Benjamin Davies on Unsplash