A few weeks ago, a nagging back pain progressed to hours of excruciating throbs in my kidneys and vomiting. With no relief in sight, I fearfully considered an emergency room visit. Thankfully, the pain subsided but continued into the following week. Finally, a doctor visit produced the final verdict of severe dehydration and kidney stones.

Water has always been a low priority for me. I don’t like the taste. I wait until I’m very thirsty and drink just enough to get by. Warnings of neglecting it fell on deaf ears. I always thought I could just catch up when I really needed to. The pain taught me a deep lesson.

In this passage, the word “live” takes on deeper relevance after being dehydrated. Just as water gives life, so do the words he himself speaks to us. Furthermore, his word is living and powerful without flaws or inaccuracies. Its entirety is true and settled in heaven forever, and he magnifies his word above his name.

Christian friend, let’s carry his word along like a cool glass of water refreshing us throughout the day. His commands aren’t burdensome, and he promises we will be with him soon.

And you who say, “How do I know if the Bible is truly God’s word and not those of men?” “If they had stood in my council, they would have proclaimed my words to my people and turned them from their evil ways and evil deeds. Am I only a God nearby and not a God far away? Can a man hide in secret places where I cannot see him?”, declares the Lord. (Jeremiah 23:22-24)

Lord, we thank you for the important lessons you teach us sometimes through pain. Help us by your Spirit not to neglect you or your word. Jesus, you are the Word who became flesh among us. We praise and worship You alone!

Throughout This Day: Each time you are thirsty today, and each time you reach for something to drink, pause to consider your “thirst” for Jesus Christ and God’s word. Are you pausing regularly to satisfy that thirst as well?

Tags: Daily Devotional Matthew 4
Photo Credit: Marvin Meyer on Unsplash