Gifts. Gifts. Gifts. Gifts come in all sizes and packages, but at Christmas we should focus on the one gift that surpasses them all. The best gift ever given to the world — Jesus, the Incarnate Word of God!

He is a gift wrapped like no other under your tree. This gift is “wrapped in light” (Psalm 104:2) and is adorned with ribbons of truth and life. The tag on this gift bears your individual name and is signed with love. The kind of love written in indelible ink (Hebrews 8:10). If ever there was “a gift that keeps on giving”, this gift fits the bill.

You can refuse to open this gift. You can choose to simply gaze at it. You might possibly touch it, but that’s a lot different than letting it touch you. Or you can try to ignore this gift altogether. The Christmas season will soon be over and you can slide back into normalcy. Store it in the attic along with the rest of your decorations. There will be other Christmases. Maybe next year….

God went to a lot of trouble to give us this gift. The price he paid can’t be measured by human standards. Its pricelessness gives value to every other gift known to man.

So, if I could give you a gift this Christmas, it would be one of encouragement to open this gift, embrace it, and live in it. May this be the year the Word who became flesh finds a home in you.

Thank you, Father, for the incredible, immeasurable gift of your Son. May we embrace this gift with our whole heart, soul, mind and strength. Amen.

Go Deeper — Take a moment to thank God for his indescribable gift in Jesus Christ.

Tags: Best Gift Ever John 1
Photo Credit: Mel Poole