"This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24 (NLT)

It's easy to rejoice when there's something obvious to celebrate, but it can be harder when life isn't going as planned. Rejoice implies that you have joy.

Joy is deeper than happiness. It's deeper than a positive attitude and a smile on your face. True joy is rooted in truth about who God is and who you are because of Jesus.

Additional Resource: See Yourself as God Sees You

Unfortunately, you have an enemy whose mission is to steal, kill and destroy your joy John 10:10. But there are also things in life that can quickly rob you of joy and take your eyes off of Jesus. Here are some examples:

How do you switch off these joy-stealers and turn on a positive attitude?

Related article: Fighting for Joy as a Christian with Depression

Here are some ways to help you reclaim your joy in the Lord and your cheerfulness of heart.#

1. Confess Sin

This allows you to experience the forgiveness of your sins and permits refreshing times with God to flow again (Acts 3:19). Confession and repentance (turning away from sin) is a vital part of dealing with a complaining or critical spirit and any other known sin.

2. Cultivate Gladness

Be happy when God blesses others and celebrate his goodness with them (Romans 12:15-16). Be willing to give others a helping hand. Serving others is a way of bringing gladness outside of yourself.

Read more about Serving God by Serving Others

3. Confidence in God

Don’t allow the enemy to bring you down when God is lifting you to higher ground 2 Corinthians 3:18. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ (Romans 8:1-2). Be diligent to start your day with him, having a positive mindset and gladness in your heart.

4. Cut Back

Trim back on commitments that you don't feel God is asking you to make. Delight yourself in the Lord (Psalm 37:4) and ask him to make known what matters most. Be mindful that the joy of the Lord is within you (Psalm 28:7), not in people, places, position, or achievements.

Related article: We face choices every day. How do we live in a way that pleases God? See life from God's perspective

5. Consider Seeking Help

God’s desire is for you to be whole in body, mind, soul, and spirit (Psalm 31:7). If your spirit is crushed, it may be wise to seek professional help so you can be healed and gladly proceed forward in life.

Professional Help "versus" The Holy Spirit. Read Should Christians Go To Therapy?

6. Change Your Thinking, Count Your Blessings, Continuously Pray

Cultivating a positive mindset and thankful heart and praying throughout the day will allow you to rejoice and be glad in the Lord (Philippians 4:6-9).

If you are struggling with finding joy in the Lord, fill out the form down below. One of our online mentors would be happy to hear your story, walk with you and pray for you. You are not alone.

updated December 2022

Tags: Joy happiness
Photo Credit: Caique Silva