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Kirk Durston

Kirk is a husband of more than 38 years to the love of his life, and a dad to 6 kids. He enjoys hiking and canoeing in the northern wilderness, too many hobbies to mention, and a fascination for nature photography trying to capture God’s invisible attributes, eternal power, and divine nature. As a writer and speaker with P2C Digital Strategies, Kirk enjoys speaking at universities, conferences, and churches, and helping to create content for podcasts, short videos, and articles.

You can visit his blog, Quest, or read his contribution to a new book titled Everyday Apologetics, with contributions from seven different authors. His chapter deals with faith and science from his perspective as both a scientist and as a Christian.

Gary Habermas, a renown apologist, writes, "This book is engaging — it is timely, witty, even funny. More importantly, it deals with today's thorniest problems without being academic or boring. Check it out. Highly recommended."

The printed version of this book is also available through the P2C Bookstore.

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