Have you ever had something happen and wonder, “Why God? Why did that happen? What are you trying to tell me?”

It was November of 2021 and my wife’s father was slowly dying. We had visited back in the summer and knew Dad did not have long to live. The 1200 miles between us meant flights and rental cars and then more driving, but we wanted to see him one more time. In November we learned we should prepare for his homegoing, and so at the right time, we made the long trek again.

While at his bedside, we received a phone call from a friend back home. He was watching over our home while we were away and decided to check on it during a particularly heavy rainstorm. He said, “I stepped down onto the carpet from the stairs and felt water on my sock.” After a quick assessment, he realized the basement was inch-deep in rainwater.

Within three hours Dad passed away.

There’s a feeling of helplessness when one experiences uncontrollable loss. Perhaps you have felt that too. An accident, a death, an “act of God”, illness, loss of job. Loss leads to grief, and grief is a deep sadness for what has been lost and a profound longing to fill the hole left behind. You may be left asking “Why God? Why did this happen? Show me you still care.”

And often the answers are just as personal as the loss.

Upon reflection I found God’s grace written all over these two dire events. At the time they happened, I was on leave from work for a sabbatical. What a gift that I could support my wife and dad’s family without disruption to my normal work. We also arrived at Dad's bedside 48 hours before he passed away. Thank you, God.

Back home six friends saved our basement from further damage. They vacuumed up hundreds of gallons of water, moved furniture, and ripped out soggy carpet and flooring. One began the paperwork for insurance purposes. While we were far away, they saved the day.

The year since has still been full of grief. But in looking back I realize it could have been much worse, and that God’s grace helped me personally get through it.

In John 16 Jesus minces no words: in this life we will experience all kinds of trouble, but he is a larger worker-of-grace beyond measure. I can see that now, amidst the loss, and know that God’s love and grace have helped me through it.

Are you flooded by life’s challenges just now? I encourage you to look deeply for God’s matching flood of strength and meaning and purpose. They may not be obvious in the moment, but keep listening and watching and trusting God.

Dear God, you said that in this life we will have trouble. Thank you for your faithfulness in being there for us, for sending your Holy Spirit to comfort and guide, for giving us your son Jesus who knew sorrow in his earthly life yet overcame them by your grace. May we trust that you know what you are doing in our lives.

Throughout the Day: Look for God’s grace when things get difficult. How is he faithfully there, helping you and surrounding you with his care? Look for how he is victorious over the issues you are facing today.

Tags: grace John 16
Photo Credit: Aliyah Jamous on Unsplash