This is it, the end of the Share Your Faith challenge series! Time for a little self-evaluation. How did you do? Before you answer that, let’s take time to define what “success” looks like. Is it based on whether you introduced someone to Jesus? Shared Jesus out loud? Saw a friend move closer to Christ? Started a revival in your hometown?

You might be surprised to find out what successful evangelism truly is.

Get Ready

Read 2 Timothy 4:6-8; <a href="” target="_blank">Acts 17:16-17, and <a href="” target="_blank">Acts 17:32-34.

Paul experienced three different reactions to the Gospel message in the city of Athens. Have you experienced similar reactions as you spoke with people about spiritual topics over the past weeks?

Not everyone Paul shared with came to Christ. But at the end of his life, he was one hundred percent confident that he had finished well and had remained faithful. What does this tell us about his definition of success as an evangelist?

Picture yourself at the end of your life, saying with peace, joy, and confidence, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful.” Would that not be an amazing statement to make?

You’ve reached the final stage of this challenge series. Congratulations! But, as you probably expected, that doesn’t mean you’re finished. Your journey is just getting started.

What comes next?

That depends on the people you’ve been reaching out to over the past weeks. You now have tools you need to help them keep moving closer to Jesus. Think about where each of them is at today, and decide what your next step should be:

Congratulations! You’ve come so far. Don’t forget to tell us your stories. We’re excited to hear about your experiences!

updated August 2019

Tags: Love Others
Photo Credit: Cam Adams